Fear of failure

No one starts off an expert and 5 years later I’m still FAR from it. We all begin somewhere and it’s a learning process and becoming more comfortable every single day. I read a quote off a lululemon box the other day that read “do one thing a day that scares you”. And I couldn’t agree more. You honestly will not grow or progress if you just constantly stay comfortable. Over the last few years I’ve had to do things I was really scared shitless to do!! But if I didn’t “do it afraid” I would be nowhere! Some things that come to mind...
😱lifting free weights around experienced lifters
😱squatting at a squat rack
😱setting up weight on barbell for hip thrusts
😱wearing shorts in public
😱tracking my food/counting macros
😱starting my coaching business
😱taking my first set of 1:1 clients
😱leaving my steady nursing income to do coaching FT
😱lifting weights again after a major injury
😱studying for NASM CPT

The list goes on and on. The point is, no matter how big or small, we will always face things we don’t feel comfortable doing or just don’t have the motivation to start. BUT WE HAVE TO JUST DO IT!! Take baby steps, as confidence builds with anything it becomes a little easier to tackle the next goal. We usually realize, wow that wasn’t as scary as I thought?!

One of the greatest gifts weightlifting has given me is not only making me comfortable in my own skin, but every single day I’m proving to myself that I’m stronger than I think. Nothing is better than that feeling, like a daily dose of confidence.

So if you are new to this please realize we all had a beginning. No one starts off looking shredded or killing it in the gym. We all have awkward moments and still do all the time. At one point I finally started to realize that no one (who is serious) really cares what others are doing in the gym . I know I sure don’t. I’m only worried about my own form, injury prevention, and my own space. It always makes me happy to see other people taking the initiative to take care of themselves. Happy New Year my friends! 21 is one of my lucky numbers so let’s do it! ❤️SC


New to Calorie Deficit


Goals for New Year