Working full time and dieting

Dear working women, 
YOU can do this!!! I now am a full time nutrition coach with a nursing job on the side, but I spent plenty of time with the job roles reversed and still made time to transform my body and health. Long hours away from home, stress, no time to cook or eat healthy or sometimes no time to eat at all. MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY! It is hard work, but not impossible. You may have to trade out some things you do now to form new habits, but the payback will be so worth it. 

I rarely Netflix and chill, I go to the gym because the benefits I get from working out far outweighs anything a TV show can do for me. It provides me with stress relief, a great nights sleep, physique goals, and confidence. Not to mentions all the health benefits! Start small and and make little changes. When those become comfortable and doable, set goals higher. 

If you work outside of the home you have to make time to bring your food. You can’t get caught off guard by the work environment and succumb to stress eating whatever is around. Do what you can do to nourish your body throughout the day. I know you are busy, but I’ve worked many nursing environments and I’ve always had a least 60 seconds 😉to scarf down a snack. You are not doing yourself any favors by not eating all day and then going ravenous at night. I spent years thinking I didn’t need to change my eating habits to be in shape. I use to order out or go to hospital cafeteria daily. I constantly thought I needed to “treat myself” when I had a hard day. As I got older I quickly learned that way of thinking was getting me nowhere. Lessons learned. Build good habits, reap the benefits and never look back. ❤️SC


Weekend Diets


Macro counting checklist