Weight Loss Support

No one ever reaches their fitness goals alone. It involves a community of support that gives you the confidence to succeed. Now don’t get me wrong you are the one to put in all the hard work at the gym and with your diet. But it really seems near impossible to stay consistent with something if you don’t have someone cheering you on or helping you pick up the slack along the way

I’ve been asked many times about what to do unsupportive partners, friends, co-workers? I have not experienced a lot of this so it’s hard for me to really answer

I have always just done “me”. I’ve worked out while everyone is watching the hottest TV show, I’ve missed evening get-togethers to go to gym, I’ve watched everyone eat donuts and cupcakes. The gym for me is essential for my mental health and sleep. Most of those around me maybe thought I was crazy at first,  but with time have taken notice to what I’m doing and also see me enjoy pizza and wine

Unfortunately we live in a society where it seems more normal for people to be out of shape and overweight. So my advice is to lead by example. Do your thing. Don’t criticize what others do. Give advice only when asked. Don’t feel bad about taking care of yourself. People will take notice and start to wonder

Most people who have come to me for macros have said to me it wasn’t as hard as they thought. And the beauty of this is you still get to eat the things you love. Also you don’t have to follow macros forever, you can shift to intuitive eating because now have the knowledge on how to eat smarter

My husband and family has been nothing but supportive to me with my fitness and nutrition. I’m so thankful. My habits have rubbed off on them and I couldn’t be more proud. ❤️SC


Weight Loss Plateau


Fighting Cravings