Fighting Cravings

Cravings?!? Yes I get them. I promise they get better with time. When first starting in caloric deficit/macro counting it can take a little time to adapt to less calories and healthier food options. Here are some tips for fighting those hard to resist cravings..

1️⃣Sleep. Must get adequate sleep. I need 7-8 hrs to feel normal. When I’m tired I think I need more food to get energy.

2️⃣Water. Often times we think we are hungry when really we are dehydrated. I aim to drink 4L of water a day. Add lemon to water or drinking sparkling water without sodium or sugar if need help getting more down

3️⃣De-stress. Easier said than done I know. When we are under stress cortisol levels are elevated and that stimulates our appetite. I try and devote time to just me so I can regroup and relax. Also what bigger way to de-stress???...exercise!

4️⃣chew gum. What something sweet? Pop a piece of gum and many times that does trick and you forget about food. My fav is peppermint Extra 

5️⃣Choose a healthier option. So instead of a full blown ice cream sundae eat a Greek frozen yogurt bar. They have so many yummy reduced fat treats out there now so your macros don’t have to fully derail

6️⃣Forgive, forget and try better. Sometimes I give into cravings. Like I know I won’t stop thinking about something until I just give in and eat it. And that is OK. Sometimes our bodies are trying to tell us they need some extra food. Eating 80/20 is the best way to make your diet/macros a lifestyle that sticks. It’s ok to enjoy yourself now and then

I hope that helps. You know I love donuts and ice cream and I still enjoy these things in moderation. I do know that after eating these things it is really hard to detox from them. I always want more & more. When I don’t eat a lot of sugar I don’t continue to crave it

Now remember these tips as you head into your weekend. But please enjoy yourself too. Much love! ❤️SC


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