Reverse dieting is simply bringing your calories up slowly out of dieting/restriction stage until you find maintenance level calories. There is no right or wrong way to do this as long as you are bringing calories up....mostly carbs/fat. The goal should be to get calories up as to what your TDEE is projected to be for your stats at minimum. It is done slowly over several weeks to allow metabolism to handle more food over time without significant gain.
Is it time to reverse diet?
🆘have you been dieting for several months even years? Calories can’t go down indefinitely!
🆘are you always tired, irritated, anxious and don’t sleep well?
🆘lost your period, irregular cycle or have thinning hair?
🆘zero sex drive?
🆘not losing any fat or even gaining eating low calorie?
🆘poor gym performance, no strength, no gains, unable to progressive overload?
🆘constantly thinking about food or restricting food?
If this describes you then it is time to bring calories up. You should not be living life in a diet phase. And the more time you spend there, the less likely you will respond. Life is meant to be lived maintaining your weight most of the time not constantly trying to diet. Your body is smart and will stop responding whether you like it or not so you may as well do things the right way and reverse diet. And that doesn’t mean we gain back everything we lost!! We do not stay in a diet phase until we meet our fat loss goals! That could take years for some. I can’t preach that enough. Must be done in stages. Once you bring calories up you need to live at maintenance for several weeks/months (this will be different for everyone) if you ever want fat loss to work again on you. You don’t immediately diet down the second you hit maintenance. Do it right and watch the results actually happen. Friends don’t let friends live in low calorie!!