Mistakes made by women in their Fitness JOurney

After coaching thousands of women over the years, here are just a few of the common mistakes I see women make that keep them farther away from reaching their ultimate goal.

1). They constantly think they need to "lose the last 5 lbs" when they actually need to stop dieting and allow body time to build some muscle. They need more muscle in relation to their current body fat percentage, not to keep losing fat.

2). They are always on a "diet' so they never really take them seriously and are constantly on/off plan. A permanent state of not really losing much fat and never enough time in maintenance to build muscle.

3). They want to wait "till I lose the fat first" before they start weight training and building muscle. Muscle and lifting weights helps you lose fat, it should always be a priority no matter what your goal is.

4). They are afraid to lift heavy because they think they'll get "too bulky". They think to get "tone" you do low weights and high reps.

5). They stay in deficit or reverse diet way too long which leads to tracking fatigue, becoming sloppy and inconsistent which potentially could mean a calorie surplus (fat gain).

6). They don't see value in maintenance and run back to dieting because they "feel fluffy" when they see the slightest rise on the scale. Stopping potential muscle gains and never ever allow body to recover from dieting.

7). They are impatient. Don't spend near enough time building muscle and have unrealistic expectations about the timeline. (goes for fat loss too) Expect to have YEARS of results when it's been 6 months.


Why you aren't building muscle